Wednesday, October 19, 2011

All-On-4 Dental Implants

Two days ago we announced the exciting news that Dr. Wardius had Trade Marked his retro fit procedure for the all-on-4 prosthesis. Today I thought I'd share a patients All-On-4 story with you. We first saw her in 2007, she had rampant decay in teeth that had already been restored by her previous dentist. She was sedated, the decay was removed and her mouth fully restored again. We saw her off and on for cleaning appointments and then it had been awhile since she had been in. She called to schedule an appointment because she was having problems again. When she came in and we did an examination and x-rays we found rampant decay once again. At this point she had a decision to make, was it cost productive and smart to go ahead and restore the teeth for the 3rd time in only 6 years, or was her better option the All-On-4. Due to her young age, 30, and the painful condition her mouth was always in, the All-On-4 was discussed.  Dr. Wardius felt like over the years she would spend an enormous amount of money doing the same work over & over and it would lead to more root canals and eventually extractions. He felt the All-On-4 would give her the best quality of life and also help her self esteem (which was low because she Never wanted to smile). She discussed it with her family and they agreed with Dr. Wardius and all felt like this was the best option for her. Last week we performed the surgery and she is doing Fantastic!!  The fact that she can now smile with confidence has already begun to change her life! We are all excited to see her at her post op visit!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dr. Wardius Trade Marks His Retro Fit Technique

We are very excited at the Wardius Center for Dental Cosmetics. The major benefit to having the All-On-4 treatment done in our office is Dr. Rob's Retrofit Technique™. Dr. Wardius has been using his retro fit technique for some time giving his All-On-4 patients a more comfortable, better outcome to the procedure. He has now trade marked the technique and will be teaching it to other Doctors around the country. The All-On-4 is the most exciting and life changing implant procedure in dentistry today.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Laugh and the whole world laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone"

Perhaps 10% of adults snore. Although most of those afflicted have no serious medical consequences, habitual snoring can be the first indication of the potentially life-threatening disorder obstructive sleep apnea.
It is estimated that more than 38,000 people in the U.S. die each year from the effects of obstructive sleep apnea.
Don't wait to take action. Don't ignore the problem. Don't put off treatment. Sleep apnea can lead to heart failure, stroke, seizures, and even sudden death. Your first step will be a screening, exam, and sleep test. The results of these tests will diagnose you as a snorer (no apnea), mild apnea sufferer, moderate apnea sufferer,  or severe apnea sufferer. There are several options for any one of the diagnosis, from a CPAP to an oral appliance to surgery .
For most people who are given the CPAP as their option, two things may happen: 1) they hate wearing it and don't get a good nights sleep, or 2) they become uncompliant and don't wear it. Either way it does not make for a healthy outcome.
Fortunately for them and Snorers without apnea there is an alternative!!! The Moses is an oral appliance you wear that fits comfortably in the mouth and allows you to breath correctly. This oral appliance has changed the lives of many snorers and sleep apnea sufferers alike.
The Moses is now available through our office! So if you Hate your CPAP, if you think you may have sleep apnea, or you are a snorer, give us a call (610-779-0942) to see if The Moses is right for you.